Authentic Evidence

Our thought leadership articles provide data-driven insights into sustainability challenges and how they can be overcome with existing technology solutions.

Thought Leadership

8 articles
Diversity and Inclusion

What can we learn from analysing gender pay gaps and the commercial performance of the largest companies in 14 sectors of the economy?

The median gender pay gap between women and men has increased to an average of 17.3% based on gender pay gap reports for the largest companies in 14 sectors of the global economy. This means the median income for a man is typically 17.3% more than the median …

avg_pace 3 mins read
Authentic Evidence
Lara Correia
23 Nov 2023
Authentic Evidence
Impact Investing

How do we eliminate the exploitation of children in commodity supply chains in sub-Saharan Africa?

The prevalence of child labour in sub-Saharan Africa is higher than any other continental region on earth. More than 25.5% of the childhood popula…

avg_pace 3 mins read
Authentic Evidence
Low Emissions Mining

The copper mining companies who will determine the pace of success in the renewable energy transiti…

The transition to renewable energy systems is vital to combat the rise of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and climate change, and copper is an esse…

avg_pace 3 mins read
Authentic Evidence
Air Quality and Emissions

Which oil and gas majors are on track to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissi…

This article summarises the trends in Scope 1 and Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions disclosures made by 11 oil and gas majors in the world si…

avg_pace 3 mins read
Authentic Evidence
Water Management

Water scarcity, social economic stability, and biodiversity: insights into the most water-stressed …

Providing healthy freshwater supplies is a priority for every country in the world. Drawing on research from the World Resources Institute, we ide…

avg_pace 3 mins read
Authentic Evidence
Recycling and Waste

Which London boroughs have the highest and lowest recycling rates for waste collected from business…

This article summarises the recycling rates for waste collected by local authorities of London. In comparison to other regions in England, London …

avg_pace 3 mins read

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